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Nursing research is the term used to describe the evidence used to support nursing practice. Nursing, as an evidence based area of practice, has been developing since the time of Florence Nightingale to the present day, where many nurses now work as researchers based in universities as well as in the health care setting. Nursing research can help manager to make decician for nursing process.

Nurse education places emphasis upon the use of evidence from research in order to rationalise nursing interventions. In England and Wales courts may determine whether or not a nurse acted reasonably based upon whether or not their intervention was supported by research. In Indonesian nursing research ia a new era to nursing body science.

Nursing research falls largely into two areas:

* Quantitative research is based in the paradigm of logical positivism and is focused upon outcomes for clients that are measurable, generally using statistics. The dominant research method is the randomised controlled trial.

* Qualitative research is based in the paradigm of phenomenology, grounded theory, ethnography and others, and examines the experience of those receiving or delivering the nursing care, focusing, in particular, on the meaning that it holds for the individual. The research methods most commonly used are interviews, case studies, focus groups and ethnography
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Recently in the UK, action research has become increasingly popular in nursing.

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* Evidence-based medicine
* Nursing
* Nursing theory


* Hamer S. & Collinson G. (1999). Achieving Evidence-Based Practice. Ballière Tindall. ISBN 0-7020-2349-3.
* Parahoo K. (1997). Nursing Research: Principles, Process and Issues. Macmillan. ISBN 0-333-69918-1.

The International Journal is the first fully electronic peer-reviewed journal in which original papers on nursing education issues and research are published. The Journal is a member of the Nursing Journal Internation. The Editors and Editorial Board are fully committed to maintaining excellence in the quality and scientific rigor of the articles they recommend for publication.

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Indonesian Research

Angka penyakit TBC (Tuberkulosis) di Indonesia makin meningkat dari tahun ke tahun apabila tidak diobati, tiap satu orang penderita tuberkulosis akan menularkan pada sekitar 10 sampai 15 orang dan cara penularannya dipengaruhi berbagai faktor. Data yang dilaporkan WHO, Indonesia menempati urutan nomor tiga setelah India dan Cina yaitu dengan angka 1,7 juta orang Indonesia. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan faktor yang terkait dengan cara penularan TBC dalam keluarga di kecamatan Kartosuro.
Sampel dari penelitian ini sejumlah 10 keluarga diambil secara stratified random sampling yaitu 10% dari populasi penderita TBC di tiap desa (12 desa), kemudian diambil yang memenuhi syarat kriteria inklusi yaitu harus ada satu penderita dengan BTA (Basil Tahan Asam) positif dalam keluarga. Data dari peneltitian diskriptif kualitatif ini diperoleh dari 5 responden dengan In-Depth-Interview.yang tehniknya diambil secara bola salju
Data tentang penularan TBC dalam keluarga diklasifikasikan menjadi empat bagian yaitu tentang karakteristik keluarga, sosial ekonomi keluarga, pengetahuan tentang TBC dan sikap keluarga dan penderita terkait dengan penyakit TBC. Melalui Content Analysisteridentifikasi beberapa hasil penelitian yang merupakan jastifikasi adanya penularan penyakit TBC dalam keluarga yaitu merasa sembuh sehingga tidak berobat, keluarga tidak mengerti komplikasi penyakit TBC, membuang dahak tidak sesuai anjuran kesehatan dan kurangnya ventilasi udara dan sinar matahari dalam rumah.
Kata kunci : Penularan TBC, Sikap Keluarga dan penderita
Evidence of tuberculosis in Indonesia increases year to year if there is serious treatment /medication the desease. One of TBC sufferers would spread to 10-15 person and the way of spreading depends on many factors. Data from WHO, Indonesia is the third after India and China with 1,7 million people in Indonesia. The goal of the reasearch is to describe factor influenced in TBC spreading in family of Kartasura distric.
Sample of this reasearch was 10 families with stratified random sampling technics from TBC sufferers population in twelve regions, then data from this diskriptif kualitatif research were taken to 5 person by In-Depth-Interview with snowball sampling.
Data from TBC spreading in family classified into 4 parts family caracteristics, social economic family, knowledge about TBC and behavior about TBC. Throuhg content analysis was identified some results that argument the spreading process of TBC in family feel healthy then they do not take the further medication anywere, don’t know about TBC complication, taken sputum in any places, and the ventilation of air and sunlight in the house are not properly provided.
Key words : TBC Spreading, families and patient attitud

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