Selamat Datang dan Semoga Bermanfaat STIKES Sarana Sistem Informasi Kesehatan: September 2009
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Selasa, 22 September 2009

Health and the Impact of Global Warming Sheraton Mustika Hotel Yogyakarta, 17 – 19 November 2009

Millennium Development Goals (MDG) has been endorsed by World Health Organization (WHO) in 2000. It contains the universal framework for developing countries’ development. MDG consists of 8 goals: eradicate the extreme poverty and hunger, achieve universal primary education, promote gender equality and empower women, reduce child mortality, improve maternal health, combat IV/AIDS, malaria, and other diseases, ensure environmental sustainability and develop a global partnership for development. Apart from that progress, there are still some challenges particularly in health area. These challenges are believed as result of not only the MD Goals haven’t been achieved yet, but also as a result of Global Warming, particularly caused by human errors, lack of attention from authorities in each government, or lack of consideration in anticipating further problems. The first challenge is high number in HIV prevalence and the increasing number of people dying from AIDS. The second is high mortality of women due to complication of pregnancy and childbirth. Another important challenge is the nutrition problem related to high number of underweight children. Further, poverty due to jobless, unequal opportunity, reduce agriculture areas, unpredicted weather cycles are those among problems related to Global Warming. In order to overcome those challenges, one of the approaches to enhance multi professional collaboration. The Improvement of collaboration between health care professionals and other areas of related disciplines such as agriculture, women improvement, people welfare, geophysics and meteorology may enhance satisfaction among them and the community as a whole. In addition, other important challenge is issues on transcultural perspective of the community which has many influences in population activity daily living, has become one of the essential issues among professions nowadays. The role of health and other professional are to enabling community to improve or sustain their health status since many parties are still struggling with the contradictions of racism, oppression and ‘caring/curing’ that co-exists in a multicultural society.

The International Nursing Conference is an elaborated scientific forum that will discuss the domain of global impact on health and welfare of the population in transcultural perspectives. The scientific forum is conducted collaboratively between AINEC (the Association of Indonesian Nurse Education Centers), PBI (Praboromarajchanok Institute) and EDU (Edith Cowan University, Australia). This third international joint conference is organized by School of Nursing–Gadjah Mada University. The committee is proudly inviting researchers, educator and practitioners in health and other related areas to join and contribute in the discussion as well as to develop a multi professional collaboration by considering aspects on transcultural perspective. for full information go to AINEC

Minggu, 13 September 2009



Anda ingin mengetahui rahasia Hypnotist ?
• Anda ingin belajar teknik hypnosis dengan cepat ?
• Anda ingin bisa melakukan hypnosis seperti di TV ?
• Atau Anda ingin mengetahui bagaimana NLP dapat mempermudah proses Hypnosis?

Fenomena hipnotisme (Trance) tidak ada hubungannya dengan magic atau mistik, melainkan suatu kondisi mental dimana perhatian seseorang menjadi sangat terfokus ke dalam dan pikiran bawah sadar (subconscious mind) yang bekerja lebih dominan.

Dalam aktifitas sehari hari, semua orang sudah sering mengalami trance tanpa disadari, misalnya ketika sedang menonton film, menyetir mobil, membaca buku, dll, termasuk ketika kerja di depan computer. Ilmu hypnosis mampu menuntun seseorang untuk masuk dan keluar dari trance sesuai kehendak anda. Hal ini bisa diaplikasikan untuk membantu mencapai apa yang mereka inginkan atau juga untuk mengatasi masalah mereka. Sama mudahnya dengan belajar menyetir mobil, menghipnosis diri sendiri dan orang lain merupakan suatu keterampilan yang bisa dipelajari oleh semua orang dengan mudah dan dengan hasil yang sangat menakjubkan.

Dituntun oleh instruktur yang ahli dan berpengalaman, dalam Training Hypnosis ini digunakan pendekatan Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) yang akan menjadikan hypnosis lebih mudah dipelajari dan siap untuk dipraktikkan.

29 September 2009 - 3 Oktober 2009

• Sub-Modalities
• Sejarah Hypnosis
• Rahasia & Prinsip Kerja Hipnosis.
• Conscious Mind, Sub-Conscious Mind, Critical Area
• Sub Conscious Programming
• Formal Hypnosis & Informal Hypnosis
• State of Consciousness
• Intonation
• Hypnotisability
• Suggestibility & Suggestibility Test
• Aplikasi Hypnosis
• Hypnosis Process
• Trance Hypnosis
• Pre-Induction
• Induction
• Deepening
• Depth Level Test
• Suggestion Therapy
• Termination
• Post Hypnotic Suggestion
• Anchoring
• Davis-Husband Scale
• Stage Hypnotism
• Self Hypnosis Technique

Teori 40% & Praktek 60% (Hands-On Workshop)

Pendidikan minimal SLTA, dan tidak memiliki hambatan dalam komunikasi verbal (gagap), tidak memiliki hambatan serius dalam kepercayaan diri.

• Training Manual
• Mendapat 2 Sertifikat dari :
o Certified Hypnotist (IBH - Indonesian Board of Hypnotherapy)
• Free membership IBH 1 tahun (Kartu Anggota, Login Website & Sertifikat Membership)
• 1 x lunch dan 2 x breaks
• CD E-book dan Musik Relaksasi

Workshop ini akan mengajarkan peserta untuk dapat memahami konsep dan mekanisme Hypnosis. Target peserta setelah mengikuti Workshop ini adalah dapat melakukan Hypnosis kepada orang lain secara aman dan benar, dan dapat menerapkan aplikasi terapi mental sederhana (Suggestion Therapy) melalui teknik Hypnosis.

29 September 2009 - 3 Oktober 2009

Stikes Muhammadiyah Gombong

Pendidikan minimal SLTA, dan tidak memiliki hambatan dalam komunikasi verbal (gagap), tidak memiliki hambatan serius dalam kepercayaan diri.

Sejarah Hypnosis
Mekanisme Pikiran & Tindakan Manusia
Conscious Mind, Sub-Conscious Mind, Critical Area
Formal Hypnosis & Informal Hypnosis
State of Consciousness (Normal State, Hypnosis State, Sleep State)
Suggestibility & Suggestibility Test
Prinsip Dasar Sugesti
Aplikasi Hypnosis
Waking Hypnosis
Trance Hypnosis
Depth Level Test
Suggestion Therapy
Post Hypnotic Suggestion
Ideo Motor Response
Stage Hypnotism & Routine
Self Hypnosis Technique
Davis-Husband Scale

Teori 30% & Praktek 70% (Hands-On Workshop)


Rp. 2.000.000,- (Dua Juta Rupiah)
Early Bird sebelum lebaran Discount 10%.


Student Kit, CD Self Hypnosis,
Sertifikat dari :
• The Indonesian Board Of Hypnotherapy (IBH)
• PHPI (Persatuan Hipnoterapis Paramedis Indonesia)
• SMB M (Soul Mind Body Management)
Lunch, dan Coffee Break.

Bebas & rapi

Deskripsi & Target Peserta

Workshop ini khusus diperuntukkan bagi Anda yang ingin mendalami terapi hypnosis dan telah mengikuti pelatihan Hypnotherapy Fundamental. Dalam 8 jam peserta akan dipandu untuk memperlancar teknik hypnosis, pengenalan konsep terapi profesional yang berpusat pada klien, dan pengenalan 11 teknik hypnotherapeutic. Pelatihan akan diperkaya juga dengan praktek, diskusi, tanya jawab, dan pembahasan studi kasus.

Fadli Nur Haq, CH, CI, Cht & Team SMB

29 September 2009 - 3 Oktober 2009

Stikes Muhammadiyah Gombong

Peserta telah mengikuti Hypnotherapy Fundamental Workshop, atau memiliki sertifikat CH (Certified Hypnotist) dari IBH.


Rp. 2.000.000,-
Early Bird discount Rp: 143.000 dalam menyambut bulan Rhamadlon paling lambat 18 September 2009 (hanya untuk 10 pendaftar pertama)


Student Kit,
Sertifikat dari :
• The Indonesian Board Of Hypnotherapy (IBH)
• PHPI (Persatuan Hipnoterapis Paramedis Indonesia)
• SMB M (Soul Mind Body Management)

Lunch, dan Coffee Break.


Pre-Induction Process
Building Raport, Intake Interview, Exploring Client Modalities, Suggestibility Test & Hypnotic Training, Strategy, dll.

Advanced Induction & Deepening
Progressive Relaxation, Dave Elman, Erickson Environmental, Dll.

Hypno Therapeutic Technique
Direct Suggestion, Ideo Motor Response, Age Regression, Anchor, Role Model, Desensitization, Future Pacing, Affect Bridge, Informed Child Technique (ICT), Parts Therapy, Chair Therapy, Gestalt Dialogue, Forgiveness Therapy, Object Imagery.

Case Study.

Hypnotherapy Technology.

Paket Full Bacis and Advance Hypnotherapy maka Anda cukup dengan berinvestasi sebesar Rp 3.500.000 tiga juta lima ratus ribu rupiah. discount 143.000 rb rupiah

Ditransfer melalui rekening Cheiza Event Organiser atas nama Lisa Azalia Sanjaya, BCA Cabang Gombong No. 7675032203

Pendaftaran Contact Person:
Andri : 085227607425
Esti : 085227191933
Lisa : 081804808611
Tika : 085227578100
Udin : 081328641777
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